Mahtab narasimhan biography samples
Student biography samples
Mahtab immigrated to Canada in and started writing in Her debut novel, THE THIRD EYE won the Silver Birch Fiction Award in and she hasn’t looked back since.
Mahtab narasimhan biography samples
Mahtab Narsimhan was born in Mumbai (Bombay) India.
Mahtab narasimhan biography samples in hindi
MAHTAB NARSIMHAN is an award-winning author with numerous critically acclaimed books, nominated for several awards, including The Third Eye which won the Silver Birch Fiction Missing: samples.
Mahtab narasimhan biography samples pdf
Mumbai-born Mahtab Narsimhan immigrated to Canada in and worked in Ontario's IT Industry prior to receiving a Silver Birch award in for her debut YA novel, The Third Eye, Missing: samples.