Hassan hajjaj photographer near
Hassan hajjaj poster
Photographer, designer and filmmaker Hassan Hajjaj has strong ties to both Morocco and the UK. Born in the fishing town of Larache, Morocco in Hassan moved to London aged .
Hassan hajjaj interesting facts
K Followers, 1, Following, Posts - Hassan Hajjaj (@hassanhajjaj_larache) on Instagram: "The Official Account of Hassan Hajjaj 📍London Studio Calvert Ave, E2".
Hassan hajjaj larache
A master of many trades, Larache-born artist Hassan Hajjaj has been lauded for the way in which his work turns a distinctive and fresh eye on Moroccan culture.
Andy wahloo hassan hajjaj
Growing up during the 60s in the city of Larache, Morocco, Hassan Hajjaj encountered photography in three different ways: street-photographers who took pictures of .