Caliph al mamun and the pyramids

Caliph al-ma'mun achievements

Al-Mamun reigned between and He succeeded his half-brother al-Amin after a civil war, the Fourth Fitna, during which the cohesion of the Abbasid caliphate was weakened due to .
caliph al mamun and the pyramids

Caliph al-ma'mun

Al-Ma’mun, also known as Abu al-Abbas Abdallah ibn Harun al-Rashid, is a notable figure in Islamic history who ruled the Abbasid Caliphate from to CE. His reign was marked by .

How did workmen get out of the pyramid

Abu al-'Abbas Abdallah al-Ma'mun ibn al-Rashid Persian Caliph Al-Ma'mun was the seventh Abbasid caliph and a great patron of the sciences in the Islamic world.

Caliph al mamun and the pyramids of italy
The next major break-in occurred in AD, when the pyramid was breached by Caliph al-Ma’mun.